
What started as hobby 8 years ago has turned into a career that has taken me across the US and internationally.  Dance Music has become a real passion and one that I love sharing with everyone I meet.

Growing up on the East Coast I was heavily influenced by the hip hop artists that were emerging from New York, Atlanta, and Miami and was always drawn to the DJ of each group.  It wasn’t until years later that I realized that if I ever wanted to emulate by predecessors I needed to commit myself.  I purchased a small controller, downloaded a handful of songs to my iTunes and watched every YouTube video I could on how to DJ.  Not long after I attended a corporate party during the PGA Tour’s Phoenix Open.  I was asked to DJ the event…or maybe I offered to DJ, can’t quite remember, but I do remember blowing out both speakers, having the time of life, and getting everyone to dance…not necessarily in that order.  I was hooked and dedicated as much time as I could to learning every technique to play to a crowd.  I was left with 3 goals to accomplish.  Goal 1 – Get Paid.  Yes I love to DJ, but DJing and being paid for it is a major step in the game.  Goal 2 – Play a major club.  This one took a few years, but was given a shot to play at Honolulu’s hottest club at the time, Vice.  I had residencies at other “bars” but this was an EDM club and was well worth the wait.  Goal #3 – Play a Festival.  The final goal took a few more years but it came in 2014 when I was able to perform at EDC Las Vegas.

Since then, I have gone on to play other major festivals including EDC Orlando, Beyond Wonderland, and EDC Brazil.  Producing music has become the next frontier and I am currently breaking down that wall.  Stay tuned for new music and a passion for creating an environment where everyone has a good time.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me and look forward to the next show!

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